Modernized SaaS model designed for E-Governance
Conduct Risk Magnitude
A Financial Services firm asked us to identify the factors that lead to customer detriment or has adverse effects on market stability or effective competition.

Sunrise Solution
Our analytical solution helped to identify the fundamental drivers of misconduct in the financial services industry, with a view of helping firms drive sustainable solutions to improve conduct and restore trust.
Process Flow
- Data extracted from SQL database
- Data preparation and validation performed
- Outlier Treatment and missing imputation
- Train and Test split
- Performed Classification technique
- Identified the key drivers for the conduct risk

Process Flow
- Data extracted from SQL database
- Data preparation and validation performed
- Outlier Treatment and missing imputation
- Train and Test split
- Performed Classification technique
- Identified the key drivers for the conduct risk

Model - Recommendation
- Among all the classification methods KNN has given more accuracy.
- Identified the key drivers driving the conduct risk for the company.
- Recommended the areas to improve the conduct and trust.

Sunrise Approach
”Sunrise provided valued analytical support to our team. Recommend Sunrise for cost effectiveness and quality offshore support.“
Rachel Ballard
Managing Director
Tools and Technologies used